What measurements are right? In a way it doesn't matter because you can evaluate public fears with a geiger counter.
Japanese radiation data 'suspiciously high'
Nuclear safety agency wants review of measurements
Japan's nuclear safety agency has ordered a review of the latest radiation measurements taken in air, seawater and groundwater samples around the country's leaking, tsunami-damaged plant.
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says measurements released Wednesday and Thursday seemed suspiciously high. Among them is one that indicated radiation in groundwater was 10,000 times the government's standard.
Read more at www.cbc.ca
An overview shows the damage in the interior of reactor Unit 4 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant complex in this still image taken from a March 24 handout video released to Reuters on April 1. TEPCO Handout via Reuters TVThe utility that runs the Fukushima Daiichi plant has repeatedly been forced to retract such figures, fuelling fears over health risks and a lack of confidence in the company's ability to respond effectively to the crisis. The Tokyo Electric Power Co. has not been able to stabilize the plant's dangerously overheating reactors since cooling systems were knocked out in the March 11 tsunami.
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