Sunday, December 11, 2011

at number 15: a "torch bearer for SMEM"

At spot number 15 on my list of top #25 destinations for social media in emergency management, sits a true pioneer in the use of social media by first responder agencies.

Brian Humphrey (@BrianHumphrey on Twitter) has helped make the Los Angeles Fire Department a recognized leader in the use of SM. More than that, leading by example, Brian has enabled other first responder agencies to get over their initial suspicions of social media.

A look at the LAFD's news and information section of their website is pretty revealing: a pretty good integration of blogs, info, and social media accounts, in addition to audio and video content. Of particular importance to me, are their two Twitter accounts ... the first is to provide incident-specific info and the second, is all about engaging with audiences which shows a real desire to listen and learn from the people the LAFD serves.

That sure sign of maturity in an organization is telling of the influence of Brian Humphrey in promoting the acceptance of social media by fire, police and EMS, but also by many other types of agencies. For that reason, he occupies the 15th spot on my list.

The list so far:
#15: Brian Humphrey
#16: ushahidi ... witnessing change and progress in SMEM

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